Monday, December 29, 2008

Shawn and the Neighbours.

Today Shawn came over to play video games with my ps3. We had much fun. But the only problem was, we were too damned tired. So we ended up sleeping. the T.V set was still on and everything was still on. We just slept. We played a little with the toy cars be bought afew days ago. Yeah.

At night, my neighours and my ex nighbours, which consists of 6 families came together for a little gathering. it was at the barbeque pit, but there was no barbeque. Haha. There was this little 7 year old german kid who was so naughty my gosh. Wanted to rip his head off. Damnit.

Alright. Now i have a date with my facebook. Later ladies & gentlemen.

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