Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bed Time Stories.

Today i watched bed time stories with my friend, Bernice. The movie was really good, with the lead actor, Adam Sandler. And not forgetting, Rob Schneider. Did you know if Adam Sandler was acting, Rob shneider will be his cameo guy? And vice versa. Haha. They're just too damned funny.

My friend Bernice introduced me to this new form of food stock known as " Bread talk's Cheese boat". I've never tasted anything from bread talk nicer than that piece of baked flour. Oh. and i was late. I supposed to meet my friend Bernice at 2:00 today, and i woke up at 2:15. you know how guilty i was?

10 missed calls.

Yeah. So now My friend Bernice is asking and bugging and asking me for my blog link. Its so damned irritating.

So, stay tuned for more of "Michael's Damned boring life. During his Damned boring holidays."

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