Saturday, December 27, 2008

This time, i'll try NOT to stop.

Hey. its been really really long since i've blogged. my blog isn't very great. Well, at least it did'nt start fights in school, or get me into trouble unlike some others. Introduction to this new chapter.this particular person kept asking me to "start a new blog", to "create a new blog", or keeps asking me "why you leave your blog???", blah blah blah. yeah. you get what me means.

Today is the 26th of december, 2008. but, its really late now. so its 2:02, on the 27th of december. i don't really have anything to blog about, so, oh well, i think i'm done here for today. So, good night. i have to attend to something. Or rather, someone. Good night. And a merry boxing day.

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